Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I have not been very good at keeping up on the blog! I am going to blame it on the winter blues....this winter seems like it is going on forever and I feel like doing NOTHING! So, in an effort to get motivated with everything in life I thought I would start at updating the blog :)
We have been busy here. Playing outside, doing puzzles (Jacks favorite inside activity) and trying to come up with activities to keep the kids from going crazy. This past weekend we were able to spend the weekend downtown Minneapolis. Luckily my parents and sisters were able to hang out with us at a hotel for the weekend! We did lots of swimming and my mom, sister and I took the kids to see Disney on Ice. Both kiddos loved it but Lydia was the most fun to watch...she was waving and cheering for Tinkerbell. So dang cute! Jack loved the Cars and Toy Story part of the story but he told my mom that he was tired when Tinkerbell lasted a little long than he would have liked :)
Both kids continue to amaze us. Jack healed well from his surgery a few weeks ago. He was so brave with all of that--wouldnt even know that he had surgery. He has also been pull up free at night for almost a month now! He is just getting so big and grown up. When we had him in for his pre-op physical he was 37lbs and 40 inches...too big in my mind! He is looking forward to tball this summer and starting preschool in the fall. (that is if we get accepted--you should have seen this application!!)
Lydia is a handful. I may only be saying this tonight since it was a rough night :)  She is super verbal and it able to easily let us know what she thinks about everything and anything. She is a little more sassy and the stereotypical terrible twos are starting to show through with her. Lots of thats mine and telling Jack to "stop it." At least most of the time they get along. I think that they would be lost without each other. The night before Jack's surgery Lydia went to my parents. Jack started crying that night because he missed Lydia so much. Guess that isnt a bad thing but we didnt realize how much they love sharing their room and just plain being together until they were separated!
making homemade pizza with our friends Nathan and Matthew

working on daddy's Valentine's day treat--Red Velvet Cream Cheese Brownies cut out in heart shapes--more work than mom had planned on :)

pizza making

After Disney on Ice

Before the show even started--Lydia's first pigtails that actually stayed in!!

Ready to swim!

Enjoying the view of Downtown Minneapolis from the 25th floor--in our room

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